1:1 support to help health and wellbeing practitioners, coaches, consultants and creatives communicate their offers and services with more clarity and integrity.

Natalie Goodchild reading through client notes in notebook

You know you need to effectively communicate what you do in order to get more clients, but it’s not easy. 

It can be hard to adequately convey the value or importance of what we do. Or how we’re different.

And it's extra hard to try to get perspective to do it by yourself, when there are a million things in your head that all feel important to you.

To attract new clients and make more money, you need to communicate the value of what you do more clearly.

This requires figuring out the right messages to communicate, before you do anything else.


Clarify your message


Communicate authentically


Resonate with your audience

Book more clients

Natalie Goodchild with Laptop

Unclear messages don’t resonate with people

If you don’t have a clear message, you might feel like:

  • Potential clients aren’t properly understanding what you do or why it’s important

  • You have to ‘convince’ people of the value of what you do

  • People are unable to justify the cost of working with you, no matter how much or little you charge because they just aren’t seeing it conveyed well enough

Unclear messages create more work for you

You may feel like you’re putting a disproportionate amount of effort in to marketing and sales and it’s not paying off:

  • You try different marketing tactics but nothing really works

  • Writing marketing communications feels like wading through mud. You feel like you’re starting from scratch every time you write something and never manage to find flow.

  • You spend a lot of time rewriting and tweaking website copy or social content but they never seem quite right.

  • You avoid networking events and in-depth conversations that you know could be beneficial because you struggle to articulate what you do.

Unclear messages drain your energy

All of this can lead to overwhelm, stress, frustration, self-doubt, dwindling motivation, low confidence in yourself and feeling burned out.

And especially when you feel like you’re supposed to be the ‘expert’ or be a model of wellbeing for your clients, this can create a cycle of self-judgement and shame, that depletes you even more.

Natalie Goodchild peeking over laptop

With clear messages, EVERYTHING in your business BECOMES EASIER.

Good communication is based on a clear message.

And a clear message is based on deep understanding and insightful truths about your audience.

This allows you to speak to them in a way that makes them feel truly seen and cared for. This is how you build connection that converts.

The building blocks of your business

The foundations of good communication are like Lego blocks. The combination of blocks that you have dictates what you can build with them. And with a complete set of blocks, you can construct multiple things; big and small.

The same is true when it comes to communicating your offer.

When you have all the components of a clear message, you can assemble the pieces into different forms with ease, like website copy, social content, a press release, or an intro for a networking conversation.

When you have all the pieces laid out for you, you can build compelling communications with ease.

Create healthy foundations

It’s tempting to skip working on the foundations until we feel ‘more established’ or have ‘more time’. But this IS the way to grow your business and save yourself time.

Skipping this step can can waste days of your life and sometimes thousands of £.

(For instance, I’ve met business owners who have paid thousands for a website that they never even shared the link to because it didn’t feel right because they didn’t do this work first.)

Skipping this step is like building walls and a roof of a house in mud, just so you can start decorating more quickly. You tell yourself you’ll come back and lay proper foundations later. But in the meantime, you’ll exhaust yourself with constant damage control and it’ll never look as good as you hoped.

Don’t build your business this way.

Natalie sitting in a light living room on the floor, leaning against the sofa

A collaborative partner for your business journey

Hi, I’m Natalie

I’ve spent over 10 years in marketing for the health and fitness industry. I have a degree in Marketing, was an associate lecturer in marketing, have worked at one of the world’s biggest communications agencies with clients like Samsung and Reebok, and been Chief Marketing Officer for a health tech startup. I know what makes the big brands successful and what makes or breaks small businesses.

I’m passionate about helping health professionals and service providers to build their personal brand and communicate their offers better so that they truly help people, while creating their own financial wellness, without creating unnecessary stress that will undermine their own wellbeing in the process.

Learn more about Natalie’s skills and experience:

“You think that your difficult times show the worst side of you. I'm a perfect example of where turning that into a positive has helped me get to where I am. You took my story and progressed it into literally getting me sales.”

Sandy Rai, Investor

“I’d recommend you to any coach that feels lost in the process and can’t figure out their voice and has been through so many programmes and wants to just come back to themselves. Like all those coaches that keep shifting their bio, their names… Just go to Natalie and you’ll figure out who you are.”

Merly Amos, Life Coach

“I was quite resistant to start this work, even though growing my business is a huge value of mine, because I felt so busy with my day to day life. Natalie was absolutely brilliant in seeing me, seeing the business of my life so clearly and because of that she was able to offer so much value in how I needed to position myself as a leader and expert.”

Amanda Ashy, Parent & Child Coach, Nutritionist, Somatic Coach


1:1 journey to clarify messages that resonate with your audience and attract new clients.

Communicate WELL

Messaging foundations

This package provides you with a solid foundation to clarify your messaging and build confidence in your communications.

You get:

  • 6 x 90-minute strategy sessions, meeting every 1 or 2 weeks via Zoom

  • Personalised messaging playbook

  • Call recordings + notes

  • On-demand frameworks, resources and trainings as needed, now and beyond

  • Access to me for support between sessions as you work

£1,800 GBP

Payment plans available.

Communicate WELL + Integration Support

Messaging foundations + implementation strategy and coaching

Great if you want support to APPLY these components of your message. Bridge the gap between strategy and action with accountability and guidance.

This could involve planning content, writing web page copy, planning your networking pitch, overcoming other points of resistance, or making action plans.

You get:

  • Everything in ‘Communicate WELL’ package, plus:

  • 6 x 60-minute coaching sessions (fortnightly)

  • Additional resources such as templates

  • Session notes + action plans

  • Call recording if requested

£3,000 GBP

Payment plans available.

If you have more than one offer, or want to work on brand-level messaging, you can add on additional strategy + coaching sessions for this afterwards. See the ‘other information’ at the bottom of this page for the deets.

A personalised approach + a personalised playbook

How we work

  • We focus on creating a clear messaging framework for ONE of your offers

  • We work collaboratively during sessions, building your playbook as we go

  • You may go away and work on things between sessions, using the prompts and principles I provide you with

Natalie Goodchild Communicate WELL screen sample

What we cover

We prepare you for clear communication, by getting clarity on the foundations of your marketing, including:

👁️ Understanding how your audience thinks, feels and acts


  • Their current situation including their problem

  • Their desired outcome

  • Their level of awareness and understanding

💡 Conveying exactly how your offer solves their problem


  • An insight that shifts your audience’s perspective

  • Positioning your offer as the solution they need

  • Giving all the details + calls to action that convert

🧞‍♀️ Knowing exactly why YOU are the person to guide them


  • Telling your story

  • Highlighting your expertise

  • Showing you empathise with your audience’s challenges


Start your journey to clarify your communications

Hit the button below to book a discovery consultation with me.

Complete the form and then meet with me to chat through your business and what you’re hoping to achieve.

If this feels like a good fit, we’ll sign an agreement, pay your first invoice and schedule in your sessions. Get ready to experience clarity!

Here are some of the principles that I operate by:

🌱 Root cause approach

I believe in taking a ‘root cause approach’ to all things in life, from health and wellbeing, to marketing and business.

When we work together, I’ll take us right back to the strategic foundations and address those, rather than making short-term fixes at more superficial layers of your business. Strong roots create the most thriving growth.

🌈 Being yourself

No matter how clear a message is, or how great a strategy or system is, you won’t actually put it into action if it doesn’t feel like it’s in integrity with who you are.

Expect me to ask you a lot, ‘how does that feel to you?’ so that we can make sure that everything sits in alignment with who you are.

🌎 You will grow and evolve

You will and should evolve and grow as a person. And your business will need to evolve with you.

Accept that your messaging will need to change and adapt. Just because we get it to a place that feels ‘done’ now, doesn’t mean that’s how it has to stay forever.

Don’t let your messaging hold you back or become stagnant. Your messaging is there to serve you; you are not a slave to it.

💪 Good business = good health

Lacking a clear strategy and message leads to inefficiency and wasted energy.

And not being authentic to yourself leads to internal conflict.

Both of these issues can lead to stress, burnout and negative health outcomes (which also means a less sustainable business).

If these ideas feel like they align with your values and how you want to do business, let’s talk.

“You bring a unique set of skills to the process from your career in marketing…you are incredibly articulate at comms, but I think you're doing it in a very powerful way.

You understand how messages connect with audiences. You understand about different channels. You understand how these things fit together. So it's a really unique skill set.

I think this whole process has invited me to really fully explore what's possible, what my potential is.

I love the process, not just the end result…you invite the client to hold themselves accountable to take the action that you know they really want to take.

It's the caring and the ability to really connect with people on a personal level. With your deep experience and skills that's a killer combination really. 

— Dee Raseta, Change Management Consultant

“I was struggling with self-identity, marketing, communicating my business - honing all my ideas into a more focussed direction.

I needed you to help me to primarily regain focus and recognise where my own resistance exists.

You are supportive while at the same time challenging - you are insightful and extremely patient. You are intelligent and kind - I always felt very safe in your hands.

I feel much more connected to who I am in my business.

I appreciated the insightful questioning that challenged me to discover who I really am and who I am ready to serve. 

— Jocelyn Barrie, Life Coach

“It’s an uncovering. 

If you want to know your message, your story, your way, what to say? Go to Natalie. 

If you want to FEEL it. If you want it to come naturally, to where you don't have to think or open up a text every minute. Go to Natalie. 

The messaging came from me and my intuition and my voice. Not a rule book. Not someone telling me, not me googling or copying or AI. It came from me. And I take ‘me’ wherever I go.

So I'm able to adapt to every conversation and every situation without having to pull up my notes. That's the difference.

I 100% needed your guidance. I needed you pulling out the information. I needed you to put it together for me. I needed you to get it out of my head. But it was a partnership. So I needed you, but then it was ultimately at the end of my voice. My words.

The way I speak. That’s what makes it magnetic.

— Merly Amos, Life Coach

“You saw things in me that I didn’t see myself. I felt like there was a block and you pulled me through it.

It is so important in the new phase of earth we are going through that peoples true authenticity emerges, rather than what we think should emerge.

You helped me build the solid foundations for what comes next.

I love to combination of intuition and content. You are very sensitive to what was happening in my life. You where always positive and uplifting yet you also pushed me and kept me accountable. I felt like we were a team, you understood and saw me. I felt seen, heard and understood

— Camille Akass, Health Coach

Other information

  • We work on ONE offer. For most people this is their ‘core’ offer or service. 

    Once you have this framework and have gone through this process once, you can replicate it for other offers or services with or without me.

  • If you are wanting to work on brand-level messaging (e.g. your bio or one-liner), you still need to work on your offer/service-level messaging FIRST.

    Very often we get stuck on brand-level messaging when our offer messaging isn’t clear, and it resolves itself once offer-level messaging is clarified.

    In some circumstances, preoccupation with brand-level messaging is a distraction. It can come about when you feel unable (for many reasons) to do the deeper work that will actually allow you to show up and sell your services in your business. If you still want to be supported in crafting your brand-level comms after this work, I offer the option to add on sessions.

    If you don’t have an offer, you don’t have a business, so this offer may not be a good fit for you. I’d still be happy to schedule a call with you to see if we can find another way to work on what you need together.

  • Yes! I’ve worked with clients in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and more.

    We can compare time zones to find a time that works and meet via Zoom.

  • Some of the types of practitioner I have worked with:

    • Yoga instructor

    • Nutritionist

    • Somatic coach

    • Parent + child coach

    • Life coach

    • Massage therapist

    • Reflexologist

    • Breathwork therapist

    • Filmmaker

    • Sound healer

    • Therapist

    • Health coach

    • Photographer

    • Artist

    • Change Management Consultant

    • Investor

Natalie Goodchild smiling with laptop at home