Hi, I’m


I’m fascinated by the human body

Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal, feel, move, sense, and let us fully experience life. It’s this awe and curiosity that drives me in everything I do.

Natalie Goodchild smiling in nature with hair up

Hi, I’m Natalie.

I love working with people to live better, breathe better, move better, and to change the way they view their lives and their bodies.

Although I’ve lived a life dictated by complex health needs, I love living life in my body. While it’s not been easy, it’s been an adventure full of learnings.

I’m passionate about supporting people to manage their chronic conditions, explore ‘mystery symptoms’, prevent future illnesses, get a fresh perspective, and improve their general sense of wellbeing to live life to the fullest.

I’m a health coach, qualified personal trainer and fitness instructor, and I’m currently studying functional breathing. I also love using public speaking and writing to share stories and spread wellbeing information.

I’m based in Guildford, Surrey, where I can work with clients in person, and I offer virtual sessions for those across the UK, Europe, the USA, and beyond.

Your health is a resource that allows you to experience all that life has to offer in the richest way possible; to enjoy the adventure of being ALIVE in this human body, feel all the feelings and do all the things you want to do.

My ethos on health

Our bodies are self-healing

You can see proof that your body has an INCREDIBLE capacity for self-healing any time you get a cut or a graze.

When things seem to be going 'wrong' or if you feel like your body is working against you, I can assure you that's not the case. Our bodies are innately intelligent and adaptive. If something is out of balance, you may experience issues with non-critical systems (e.g. your skin or gut) as your body prioritises its limited resources to maintain critical function (e.g. heart, brain, lungs); short-term survival over long-term repair. This is your body working for you.

We can restore balance by removing things that disrupt the balance, and adding things we’re missing. Essentially, creating better conditions for your body to work at full capacity.

You are the authority on your body

In my journey, my unwavering commitment to listening to what my body is saying, regardless of what health professionals told me, has saved me over and over, in many different ways. 

I want everyone to feel this same sense of deep knowing and trust in themselves.

You know your body better than anyone. Sometimes we forget how to listen, but I’m committed to helping you reconnect.

Get to the root

I believe in taking a root cause approach to all things. Where health is concerned, I believe in uncovering and addressing the underlying causes of issues, rather than merely suppressing or managing individual symptoms.

If a tree’s leaves are showing signs of stress, we don’t assume the tree is unfixable or that the leaf needs to be painted, or glued back on; we look to the roots and the conditions of the soil.

You are whole

Our being is not a collection of separate systems: mental, physical, emotional; or cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine…

These aren’t just ‘connected’ pieces; they are ‘one’.

I see you as a whole person, with a whole life, when it comes to exploring your wellbeing. You are so much more than individual symptoms, test results, or diagnoses.

Health qualifications and experience

Click the ‘+’ to expand sections.

    • Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition)

    • Functional Breathing Instructor (Oxygen Advantage) - in training

    • Personal Trainer (No1 Fitness)

    • Fitness Instructor (Lifetime)

    • Studio Cycling Instructor (The Training Room)

    • Over 10 years working in the health and wellness industry

      • As a marketing strategist I’ve worked alongside experts in herbalism, nutrition, therapy, life coaching, somatic work, breathwork, reflexology, yoga, meditation, sound healing and change management, as well as medical consultants and researchers.

      • As a writer I’ve worked with multiple brands in the health and fitness space, including Nike, Sweaty Betty, Technogym, Holland and Barrett and more, so I have a good understanding of what products are available on the market to support wellbeing, as well as being mindful of how brands can influence our behaviours and decisions.

      • As an instructor, I’ve taught workshops, taught dance and pole fitness and written/led people through workout programmes.

    • Clinical Advisory Group member at the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, bridging the gap between medical experts and the patient community

    • Sharing decisions on reproductive goals: A mixed-methods study of the views of women who have cystic fibrosis. D Williams, O B Esan, D K Schlüter, D Taylor-Robinson, S Paranjothy, J Duckers, N Goodchild, R Phillips. 2022. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36863947/

    • A grumbling concern: an international survey of gastrointestinal symptoms in cystic fibrosis in the modulator era - R Calthorpe, N Goodchild, V Gleetus, V Premakumar, B Hayee, Z Elliott, B Evans, N Rowbotham, S Carr, H Barr, A Horsley, D Peckham, A Smyth. 2023. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37881465/

    (In progress)

    Antimicrobial Treatment Guideline for Cystic Fibrosis

    • ‘What Do Patients Think?’ - Research Priority Setting Partnerships - Adult Cystic Fibrosis Conference - Milan, Italy - Speaker

    • Gut Health - Cystic Fibrosis Trust - Chair

    • Breaking the Bias: Active Women Win - Active-living with chronic conditions - Beam - Panel

    • Digital Exclusion - CF Clinical Trials Conference - University of Nottingham, UK - Speaker

    • Staying Physically Active - Cystic Fibrosis Trust - Host

    • An Introduction to Mindfulness - Cystic Fibrosis Trust - Speaker

    • Exercise for chronic conditions in the HealthTech space - One HealthTech - London, UK - Speaker

    • Lessons learnt from COVID-19 - APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Groups) on Vulnerable Groups - Speaker

    • The impact of CF on lifestyle - Fit Factory Gym - Speaker

    • Health Industry Showcase - Blooming Founders - London, UK - Panel

    • Exercise for physical and mental wellbeing in CF - Moving Mountains Conference - Churchill College, Cambridge, UK - Speaker

    • Invisible Conditions and Compassion in the Workplace - M&C Saatchi Sports & Entertainment, London, UK - Speaker

To see my qualifications, experience and speaking related to business and marketing, go to my Marketing ‘About Natalie’ page.

Health challenges I’ve experienced

  • Respiratory/ENT issues

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Diabetes (I have CF-related diabetes)

  • Gut issues and IBS

  • Stress, anxiety, perfectionism, overthinking and overwhelm

  • Stress-related physical health symptoms

  • Hair and skin issues

  • Re-learning my cycle after hormonal contraceptives

  • Advocating for myself with medical practitioners; compiling information and communicating my case

I have also experienced loved ones dealing with:

  • Anxiety and panic disorders

  • ‘Mystery’ symptoms like gut issues, headaches, brain fog, mood issues

  • Chronic pain

  • Sleep issues

  • Weight management

  • Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure

  • Pre-diabetes

  • Women’s health issues

  • Migraines

Specialist interests

My specialist interests as a health coach are: 

  • Chronic conditions

  • Stress, anxiety and nervous system regulation

  • Mind-body medicine - how thoughts and emotions affect physical body

  • Gut health issues

  • Glucose regulation

  • Natural therapies + connection with nature

  • Mindful movement 


Natalie Goodchild smiling in nature with hair down

Natalie’s Story

I was born with a ‘life-limiting’ health condition. I spent a lot of my entire life being hypervigilant and often fearful of ‘symptoms’. Symptoms felt like something ‘bad’ that I needed to make ‘go away’ and I’ve often felt exhausted from constantly ‘managing’ life with chronic health issues.

I grew up living in a paradigm of health that focused on the physical and relied upon the medical and pharmaceutical: sleep well, eat nutritious foods, workout, do my medical treatments, take the tablets.

But here’s the thing I’ve come to realise: once I had the foundations of physical health established (the sleep, food, movement, etc), there were still variables in my health that I couldn’t account for.

Sometimes my health would take a dip despite doing ‘all the right things’. This made it really hard to figure out the trigger or cause. It also made me feel powerless because I didn’t see any way to improve what I was doing; I was already doing ‘ALL THE THINGS’.

On the flip side, there were times that my health improved (like lung function upticks or short-term diabetes remission) despite letting some of these physical treatments slide…

Over time - and with my own coaches and a lot of hindsight - I realised there were other dimensions of health I wasn’t consciously taking into consideration:

  • My thoughts and beliefs

  • My emotional wellbeing, including my feelings and my relationship with stress

With more time and experience, I recognised that these dimensions are all one.

While continuing to eat, sleep and move well, I’ve also been on a deeper internal journey. I’m trying to ‘unlearn’ damaging patterns of perfectionism, hypervigilance, control and never ‘good enough’ that have led to long-term stress, anxiety, overthinking and overwhelm. And ultimately put my body into a healing state by leaning towards openness, trust, compassion, joy and letting go. 

More stories and insights from my health journey

Articles + blog posts:

On Instagram:

Some brands I’ve worked with as a health + wellbeing writer and ambassador

Work with me

If you’d like to explore what working with me as a health coach could look like, check out my health coaching package or schedule an initial health discovery consultation.

You can also send a message via the contact form if you want to discuss anything else.