Health, fitness + wellbeing

Articles from Natalie’s blog (est. 2012) covering health from multiple perspectives, including:

holistic wellbeing (including mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness), biohacking, natural living, and life with a chronic condition (including personal experiences with cystic fibrosis and diabetes).

Nutrition + Supplements Natalie Goodchild Nutrition + Supplements Natalie Goodchild

Understanding Dairy Intolerance + the A2 Milk Protein

As you will know if you have explored other articles on my blog, I am really interested in the topic of food intolerance.

Over a year ago, I discovered through a food intolerance test that I don’t tolerate milk well. My first food intolerance test through York Test gave me no more information than that. 

However, knowing that food intolerance testing of this kind tests intolerance to proteins in foods, and knowing that there are several types of milk protein, I went on a quest to find out more. 

My next food intolerance test (and the one that I would recommend to anyone) from CNS revealed my β€˜milk’ intolerance to be to casein specifically. 

Since then, I haven’t generally consumed dairy products, and in particular, I have avoided buying and drinking cow’s milk.

Within the last month, I have bought and drunk cow’s milk again for the first time in at least a year. 

Read on to find out why I did this, as well as learn more about dairy intolerance and what’s really in the milk that we as a population consume so much of...

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