Health, fitness + wellbeing

Articles from Natalie’s blog (est. 2012) covering health from multiple perspectives, including:

holistic wellbeing (including mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness), biohacking, natural living, and life with a chronic condition (including personal experiences with cystic fibrosis and diabetes).

Sportswear Natalie Goodchild Sportswear Natalie Goodchild

Essential Guide to Compression Sportswear

My biggest question with compression clothing is always β€˜what qualifies it to be labelled as a compression garment?’. The word β€˜compression’ seems to get thrown around a lot in the activewear market and I always wonder quite how justified its use is. 

The problem is, there doesn’t seem to be any definitive answer to this question. So, being ever curious, I’ve spoken with brands, analysed product labels and descriptions, trawled through a number of research journals and scoured patents to try and find an answer myself.

I feel it’s so easy for people to be misled by brands referring to their products as compression garments, when the product is no more technical and has no more R+D behind it than a standard pair of running tights. 

So, I am urging you to question where you spend your money, and what your sportswear can actually do to help you improve. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, runner, cyclist or gymnast, here’s what you need to know:

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